开发者对内容描述如下: The developers describe the content like this: Achilles: Legends Untold is based on Greek mythology, stories of warriors facing their fate in the wars of humans and gods. The game features a violent combat system, there’s gushing blood, blood puddles, heads, and limbs that can be severed. Sometimes finishers on boss-type enemies will have the final blow zoomed-in and in slow motion. The enemies are mostly humans but you can also face mythical creatures that resemble animals.系统需求
- 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
- 操作系统: Windows 10
- 处理器: AMD Ryzen™ 3 1200 / Intel® Core™ i3-8100
- 内存: 8 GB RAM
- 显卡: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1050 4GB / AMD Radeon™ RX 560 4GB
- 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
- 操作系统: Windows 10
- 处理器: AMD Ryzen™ 5 2600X / Intel® Core™ i5-8400
- 内存: 16 GB RAM
- 显卡: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1660 6GB / AMD Radeon™ RX 580
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